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Summoning system

There are 12 unique scrolls. When the appropriate three scrolls are combined with the “Vulcanite Summoning Item” (fragment) that they correspond to, they create an NFT Vulcanite that is permanent on the player’s MyForge.

The fragment items needed for each Vulcanite are unique and acquired only from chests.

This system will only be released slowly as we must closely monitor the Vulcanite NFT demand.

Summoning process

Location (Summoning Wells)

After gathering the appropriate scrolls/fragment, the player must go to a specific location to complete the Vulcanite Summoning. There are four summoning places, one in each Quadrant, specifically:

  • Boreas: Fortress of the Wind
Fortress of the wind.jpg
  • Notus: Shrine of Tethys
Shrine of tethys.jpg
  • Hades: Volcano
  • Arcadia: Druid’s Shrine
Druids shrine.jpg

Depending on their area of origin, all Vulcanites can only be summoned in that Quadrant, at the allocated summoning place.


Players can visit these places and interact with the Summoning Wells. A menu that allows players to place three unique scrolls and one summoning fragment pop up, allowing the player to attempt a summon with the current scrolls/fragment.

Here’s an example (taken from the GDD, not the actual game) of a proper summoning of one of the Vulcanites:


Hitting the “Summon” button will complete the fragment summoning, removing all the materials from the game, then adding this NFT to the player’s MyForge account.

Players can also place invalid combinations, where hitting the “Summon” button doesn’t have any effect.

Fragments names and descriptions

  • 1: Alpha Fragment

The Lion and the Wolf, she of the Snakes and the Flame Daemon — the lost shall be found.

  • 2: Beta Fragment

The Lord of the Trees, the Master of Mischief, the King of the Steppes, and the fiery Prince of Pork? Where can they be found?

  • 3: Gamma Fragment

The Wicked Imp, the Wingéd Witch, the Horned One, and He whose Breath is Death. Why would you seek such things?

  • 4: Delta Fragment

The Despoiler, the Howler in Darkness, the Woodland Warrior, and the Bone-player are hidden from the eyes of mortals. Or are they?

  • 5: Epsilon Fragment

A Whiplash Crack, a Cry of Doom, a Fluted Call, a Lost Lament, and Words of Wisdom. Where can such things be heard?

  • 6: Hex Fragment

She whose Kiss is Death, He who Steals a Kiss, He whose Kiss crushes All before him, and he whose Kiss is as the Spear of Achilles — and yet there are mortals foolish enough to seek their deadly embrace.

  • 7: Zeta Fragment

Who seeks these creatures, the spawn of Vulcan — Soul-bearer, He who Tramples, She who canters, and the Rude and the Crude?

And if they find these dread lords, what then?

  • 8: Eta Fragment

He who drinks the blood of mortals, the fat one who feeds in fire, the Sky Witch, the Taloned Sword, and She who Binds the Hearts of Men.

Seek, and you will find, but will you survive?

  • 9: Theta Fragment

Would you enter the Land from which No-One Returns in search of him?

Or the Land of the Dead to seek he who is lost?

Or the Garden of Statues, or the Nest where they feed on man-flesh?

Or those bosky glades where she waits to enslave your heart?

Would you risk all this to find them?

  • 10: Iota Fragment

This one’s cup overflows with blood. That one spills the guts of men like cracking an egg.

The Horned One’s ax splits the skulls of men. And him? He is full of the worst kind of mischief. Seek them if you dare!

  • 11: Lambda Fragment

Will you pay the toll in coins?

Or put your head in the lion’s mouth or suffer the jibes and taunts of the children of the forest?

For there is always a sting in the tale…

  • 12: Mu Fragment

Enter the lion’s den if you dare.

Walk in the garden of statues but beware, lest you become one.

Wander the western desert if you would find the monstrous beast, go down to the river to pay, take the tiger by the tail, give your heart to the tree, and you will find that which you seek.