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Berserk is Vulcan Forged's collectible card game (CCG) in the VulcanVerse ecosystem, where players can use their Berserk-specific and VulcanVerse Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Players can use these Berserk NFTs to enter higher leagues as well as use their VulcanVerse vulcanites to gain a competitive edge over free-to-play players.

How to Play

Basic Rules

The objective of the game is to reduce your opponent to 0 life points. Players take turns playing cards from their hand and attack their opponent's creatures or hero directly.

There are currently 2 types of cards in Berserk: Creature cards and Spell cards. Creature cards are played to 1 of 7 spaces on the board, and can only be played if there is room to do so. Spell cards can be played at any time during your turn.

Each player has a deck of exactly 30 cards.

Reading a Card

Each Berserk card contains 6 key pieces of information.

<insert picture of Shield of Achilles here>

  1. Lava Cost - top left. This tells you how much lava the card costs to play
  2. Rarity Gem - top right. This colored gem provides an indication of the rarity of the card (typically correlated with power and value)
  3. Name of the card - the middle of the card displays the name
  4. Attack Strength - bottom left. This tells you the base attack stat for the card (only creature cards have an attack stat)
  5. Health - bottom right. This tells you the base health stat for the card (only creature cards have a health stat)
  6. Ability Text - center. This explains what effects the card may have, either when played, or when attacking

Card Rarity

There are five levels of rarity for cards in Berserk: common, rare, mythic, epic, and legendary.


Vulcanites serve as the player's hero.